Since its creation, the Laboratoire NAJJAR has committed to the manufacture of natural and organic cosmetics.
Under the NAJEL brand, we have developed a large range of cosmetics made from organic ingredients, coming from sustainable agriculture that is respectful of the environment, according to Ecocert or Cosmos standards.
To ensure cosmetics that are respectful of the environment, the Laboratoire NAJJAR manufactures cosmetics whose raw materials, production method and formula are subject to strict specifications established by our certifying body, Ecocert Greenlife. Our production is rigorously controlled from cultivation to the end product and our sites are audited several times a year to ensure compliance with the specifications. These checks are carried out regularly and, sometimes, without warning. Ecocert Greenlife verifies the whole manufacturing and production process up to packaging and labelling: inputs*, formula, production, transformation, manufacturing, packaging, labelling, storage, distribution, import.
During an audit, our certifying body ensures that the requirements defined in the referenced standard are respected before issuing the certificate attesting to the conformity of the product to this standard. Thus, we obtain the certifications essential to the authentication of the conformity of our products.
News: In 2017, the Ecocert certification standard harmonized at a European level to become the COSMOS* standard (COSMetic Organic Standard). In fact, five of the principal certifying bodies came together to offer only one certification standard for organic and natural cosmetics, unified at a European level, the COSMOS standard. Consequently, organic cosmetics whose formula is submitted after January 1, 2017 are submitted for certification to the COSMOS standard to one of the following grades: Natural or Organic.
In this way, the natural and organic cosmetics market will now benefit from a common label, with the same rigorous and demanding specifications at a European Union level, making it easier for the consumer to identify certified products.
Our commitment is visible to the consumer thanks to the Cosmebio label and the Ecocert Greenlife certifications. The Laboratoire NAJJAR remains committed to providing products with a short list of ingredients and a simple formula. Our approach also extends to the choice of our packaging which is recyclable and minimal.
For further information, please visit http://www.ecocert.fr
The regulation of cosmetic products has recently been harmonized at a European level in order to facilitate trade within the EU. As a French company, we ensure that all of our products are in line with this legislation; Aleppo Soap is distributed from France in accordance with European regulations. The Laboratoire NAJJAR controls its entire production process, from fruit cultivation to the finished product. Firstly, we carry out physical and chemical analyses of the raw materials: olive oil and bay laurel oil. Permanent controls are then carried out during each soap manufacturing: chemical, physical and organoleptic characteristics, aging test etc.
We go to external laboratories to control each of our end products before it is put on the market: systematic dermatological and microbiological testing for our cosmetics, as well as biodegradability tests for our detergents, stability tests etc.
As both a manufacturer and distributor, we offer excellent value for money. Our watchwords are rigor and transparency and we guarantee perfect traceability. Our products are currently distributed in 30 countries around the world by our professional clients: specialist shops for organic, natural and artisanal products, pharmacies, drugstores and supermarkets.
Inputs: All products incorporated in the cultivation, including all tools and equipment necessary for the agricultural production.
Cosmebio: is a certification attributed by the Cosmebio organization for products which have received a certificate from a certifying body recognized by Cosmebio for companies belonging to the organization.
COSMOS: from the abbreviation “COSMetic Organic Standard”. It is a European label, recognized internationally, with several grades: Natural and Organic.